Topophilia (n): The love of or emotional connection with place or physical environment.

This body of work was developed as a result of discovering that the organic forms when cast into Sterling Silver were in fact small sculptures; however I discovered that due to the nature of metal were in direct contrast to the place that they were originally from so I returned them to place. The jewellery is encased within the photograph and can be removed from the picture via a door in the back of the frame to be worn. 

Some of these works are available to find a permanent home and the photographs are available as prints. 



Dixons Kingdom, Walls of Jerusalem: Central Plateau. (2016). Athrotaxsis cupressoides (pencil pine)

Dixons Kingdom holds one of the largest Pencil Pine forests left in Tasmania and these trees are extremely vulnerable to fire. This area was threatened most recently by the 2016 Lake Will and Lake Mackenzie Fire


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Coupe PC007D: Southern Forests (2015). Phylloclades aspleniifolious (Celery Top Pine)

This photo was taken within a logging coupe just days before Cable Logging began. This Celery Top Pine Tree no longer stands.

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kunanyi/ Mt wellington (2015) Hypogmnia

Lichen is an indicator species in the Landscape, especially susceptible to changes in the quality of air pollution. It was important to me to include an image of my own backyard

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Mersey Crag; Central Plateau (2015) Orites revolutus

This area was lucky to escape from the Lake Mackenzie fire in 2016

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Julius River - takayna/Tarkine (2015) Psuedocyphellaria billardierei

This image was the result of my first exploration that launched this series of works. The Tarkine is an area of 447,000 hectares and contains outstanding natural and cultural heritage values worthy of World Heritage Status; Unfortunately less than 5% is currently protected as a national park. The area where this photo was taken was threatened by fires in 2016.